Effecient lead generation is a critical for most B2B companies and has large impact on the cost of sale. With the right lead generation formula, the marketing team can support the sales team with relevant leads and lower cost of sale.
Many B2B companies have already realized this and are using various traditional approaches in their lead generation. These activities include telemarketing, direct mails, online advertising and campaigns.
There are however still some who seem to neglect the effective use of their own website, meaning that they fail to utilize the great amount of customer leads generated through the continuous website traffic. The question is whether any company can afford to neglect this in the long term?
This white paper provides an overview on how a B2B company can use website traffic to generate up to 100% more leads from their website by monitoring the visitors in a structured way. In addition, the monotoring of the website can give B2B companies valuable insight on how their existing and potential customers are engaging on the website.
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